Friday, 30 March 2018

Breastfeeding and Neonatal Allergies

Breastfeeding and Neonatal Allergies

Poor immune of infants invite allergic infections, Allergic infections are the results of hypersensitive conditions of immune system. These may include food allergies, fever, inflammation etc. allergic symptoms includes redness, food intolerance, food poisoning.
Food allergies are very common in new born babies they are more prone to food allergies and infections as they are not used to of having a direct food up to an age of three years, the genetic history of any allergic infections plays major role in occurring to the future generation. It has been observed that infants who suffered with eczema under their three months, they are usually prone to some food allergies.

The biggest reason to feed maternal milk for the first three months is to make their immune system strong and also to avoid occurrence of any allergy to the baby because mother’s milk is the safest food for the baby during that period of time, but some mothers started feeding cow’s milk which results into various colic and abdominal infections. Food like nuts, milk (other than maternal milk), eggs, seeds, fish, and wheat should not be given to the infants before six months.
Allergic symptoms include
  • ·         Diarrhoea or vomiting
  • ·         Cough
  • ·         Inflammation
  • ·         Wheezing and shortness of breath
  • ·         Itchy throat and tongue
  • ·         Itchy skin or rash
  • ·         Swollen lips and throat
  • ·         Runny or blocked nose
  • ·         Sore, red and itchy eyes

Taking Probiotics and Breastfeeding is best and major preventive method to avoid any allergic infections and also to make the immune system strong.

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Saturday, 24 March 2018

Maternal diet – A Direct Link of Child Development

 Maternal diet – A Direct Link of Child Development

The Maternal diet during and before pregnancy is responsible for the weight, colour, psychological health etc.
The diet consumed by the female should be proper, as our researchers keep us updating with the better healthcare facts and studies, here is the one again that low carbohydrate diet leads the neural tube defects or can lead to various birth defects.
Neural tube defects are group of birth defects, spinal cord disformations, malformations of the brain, spine, and spinal cord. In this the specialized cells on the dorsal side of the embryo begin the change in their shape start developing before birth and include spina bifida, wherein the spinal column does not close completely, and anencephaly i.e.large portions of brain and skull are absent.
There are two types of NTD’s: Open and Closed.
·        Open NTD’s are when the exposure of spinal cord occurs as defect through the malformations in the skull. Some of the defects of open NTD’s are like anencephaly, encephaloceles, hydranencephaly, iniencephaly, schizencephaly, and spina bifida.
·         Closed NTD’s are the part of rare disease, it appears when the defect is through the skin some of them are like ipomyelomeningocele, lipomeningocele, and tethered cord.
The folic acid, a carbohydrate can reduce the risk of NTDs in babies. As this foliate can massively decrease the risk of NTD’s. All grains and cereals should be enriched with 140 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams of product by January 1998, concluded by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This initiates the women to consume some supplements of folic acid during pregnancy instead of consuming it naturally.
There is still much on this topic, to develop a clear understanding of the mechanisms involved.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Hydranencephaly (CNS Disorder) : Inheritable or not?

CNS Disorder: Inheritable or not?

Hydranencephaly is a central nervous system disorder, diagnosed by the enlargement of head and  other neurological defects and problems. This disease has the absence of brain portions it is a form of hydrocephalus. A neurologic examination during the neonatal screening helps to detect the disorder as the head usually appears to be enlarged at the time of birth. Vision impairment, lack of growth and intellectual deficits are symptomatic of this disorder

In this the cerebral hemispheres are absent or replaced by sacs which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The child with this defect may looks normal initially but shows the defects and symptoms after a period of week or a month they found their vision weak or less appropriate. No such treatment is found for this disorder as it is not yet diagnosed that it is  genetic disease or not….. but still it is treated by keeping its symptoms in mind. This develops a large amount of fluid in the brain which has to be treated out surgically. The disorder can be diagnosed prenatally using fetal ultrasonography to characterise physical abnormalities, the image of developing fetus is developed using sound waves .

Signs and symptoms may include
Seizures, hydrocephalus, visual impairment, lack of growth, deafness, blindness, paralysis, increased muscle tone (hypertonia), Poor body temperature regulation, Poor body temperature regulation, vision impairment, mental retardation, exaggeration of muscular reflexes (hyperreflexia) , infantile spasms or seizures spasticity or rigidity of arms and legs.  poor feeding and intellectual disabilities.
 It has been studied that this could be an inherited condition, although some researchers believe it may be caused by prenatal blockage of the carotid artery where it enters the cranium.

Hydranencephaly is suspected to be an inherited disorder as it occurs due to the blockage of the carotid artery but still the reason for blockage is unknown. This is like an autosomal recessive inheritance in recessive disorders, the person will be a carrier for the disease, but will not show any symptom. This presence of this disorder is confirmed by advanced imaging techniques like Transillumination, X-ray of the blood vessels, computerized tomography

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Sunday, 11 March 2018

Bicornuate Uterus

Bicornuate Uterus: Alteration of Paramesonephric Ducts

The uterus is a secondary sex organ of female reproductive system, responsible for developing a new life. All the necessary requirements for leading a new born life in womb are taken by the placenta but sometimes this proper and regular pattern makes a difference. The uterine malformation occurs and results into an irregular shape of uterus this irregularity could affect the child birth.

A bicornuate uterus is formed during embryo genesis. A bicornuate uterus happens because of abnormal development of the paramesonephric ducts. These ducts need to be fused correctly but they failed and the uterus divided into two projections, making the heart-shaped appearance of it.There are many degrees of bicornuate uterus, generally as this urogenital defect has no early diagnosis as well as it can only be diagnosed  during the pregnancy of women.

The shape of a woman's uterus is significant when she is trying to conceive and also during her pregnancy. A woman with a bicornuate uterus may find her child in irregular position, which could affect childbirth. A bicornuate uterus increases the risk of a woman having a miscarriage in the later stages of pregnancy, and of her baby being delivered early. Child developed with the bicornuate uterus may develop with the birth defects.A woman is born with a bicornuate uterus but may not be aware of it, as there are no other symptoms or the symptoms do not feel like anything unusual, painful intercourse, pain or discomfort in the abdomen, irregular vaginal bleeding, period pain, repeated miscarriages.
A woman may never need treatment for a bicornuate uterus. If it is required, the surgery is known as a Strassman metroplasty.

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Friday, 2 March 2018

Preemies: Premature Babies

Recovering Smallest Babies : "PREEMIES" The Real Fighters 

Preemies: The premature babies who attended very few weeks in their mom’s womb. Their Complications include immature lungs, slow weight gain, difficulty regulating body temperature, and poor feeding. the real cause of this prematurity is still not revealed risk factors can be physical as well as genital a research says that women’s born with prematurity will have the risk of giving birth to a premature child only proving that it’s a genital disorder . Generally the risk factors involve the Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, obese, air pollution exposure in early pregnancy, psychological stress.
Psychological stress of both the parent can affect the birth of child this linked to a premature birth, also the stressed women during her pregnancy associates the child with less weight and give birth to a low weighed or underweighted child.

These babies need more and extra care for their survival, proper medications, and sometimes they require surgery as well to improve. They need longer period of time to make themselves better. A study found that there are more than 1 million cases found frequently of premature birth per year. Our eminent researchers and scientists had designed an artificial womb which critically provide the favourable conditions to develop into the fragile child, this if properly executed could further help in improving the extremely premature babies.

Prematurity expresses such symptoms: large head compared to body size, infant respiratory distress syndrome, disproportionate head, low body temperature in new born, or retinal damage in neonates.
Its Treatment consists of supplements, supportive care and devices which includes Infant incubator, Oxygen therapy, Tube feeding, IV fluids, Medical ventilator.

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