Friday, 29 June 2018

Tick bites that make people allergic to red meat and increase heart disease risk

 Tick bites that make people allergic to red meat and increase heart disease risk

Lone Star Ticks spreads an allergy to red meat by which this allergy became risk to develop heart disease, according to the study. This is often found to be in southeast regions.  These ticks spread an allergy to a sugar compound called alpha-galactose, which is referred to as an alpha-gal allergy. As this compound is found in mammal meat, people often refer to this as a red meat allergy.

About 26% of the group was perceptive to alpha-gal. The patients who is suffering from this disease will be having an average of about 30% more plaque built up around their hearts, which will narrow arteries and lead to a heart attack or stroke. The plaque which are found in the patients increase in the heart disease.
This means that a patient who is suffering from alpha-gal is significantly more likely to develop heart disease, even if they don't have allergic reactions after eating meat.

Large percent of human population develops blood antibodies to this allergen which shows less symptoms around 20 percent among the population. The Lone Star tick was found in red meat, when it bites it sensitizes the allergen and produce allergy. The allergy increases based on the area where the ticks were found in large numbers for example Southeastern United States, but also found in some other areas like Long Island, New York. These allergens might even cause change in immunological responses which might result in the buildup of plaque and blocks the artery.

Signs and symptoms


The symptoms of this allergy are same kind of other allergies. But allergic reactions can vary greatly on a case-by-case basis.

Alpha-gal allergy can cause:


·         runny nose or congestion

·         diarrhea

·         nausea

·         sneezing

·         hives

·         asthma

·         anaphylaxis

Friday, 15 June 2018

Pediatric Cardiology

Pediatric Cardiologists are specialists in treating heart problems in children, for those who might need heart surgery, pediatric cardiologists work closely with surgeons to determine the best treatments.
There are several heart conditions which can affect children. Some are structural differences they are born with. Others involve the electrical system that controls the heartbeat.

Types of Heart Disease in Children
Many different types of heart problems can affect children. Some of them are discussed below

      1.  Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a type of heart disease that children are born with which is usually caused by heart defects that are present at birth.

2.  Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the term which is to describe the buildup of fat and cholesterol-filled plaques inside arteries. As there is an increase in buildup, the arteries become stiffened and narrowed, which gains the risk of blood clots and heart attacks. It takes many years for atherosclerosis to develop. It’s unusual for children or teenagers to suffer from it.

      3.  Arrhythmias

An arrhythmia is an abnormal rhythm of the heart. This can cause the heart to pump less efficiently.
There are many other different types of arrhythmias may occur in children, including:
           Fast heart rate (tachycardia)
           Slow heart rate (bradycardia)
           Long Q-T Syndrome (LQTS)
           Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW syndrome)

4.  Kawasaki disease

Kawasaki disease is a rare disease which can cause inflammations in the blood vessels in their hands, feet, mouth, lips, and throat, fever and swelling in the lymph nodes. Children who are suffering from this disease are often require lifelong follow-up appointments to keep an eye on heart health.

5.  Heart murmurs

A heart murmur is a “whooshing” sound which is made by blood circulating through the heart’s chambers or valves. Sometimes it may signal an underlying cardiovascular problem.
Heart murmurs might be caused by CHDs, fever, or anemia. If a doctor hears an abnormal heart murmur in a child, they will make tests to be sure that the heart is healthy.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

28th World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family Medicine Conference

28th World Neonatal, Pediatric and Family Medicine Conference (Faneotrics 2019)
March 21-22, 2019 | Dubai, UAE

About Conference

ME Conferences is Organizing a “28th World Neonatal, Pediatrics and Family Medicine Conference 2019” going to be held during March 21-22, 2019 at Dubai, UAE with the innovative theme Leading medications and essential care of Neotrics”. This innovative conference discusses the directions for Pediatric Nutrition, surgery and neonatal care with advanced medical and family medicine in this fast moving and developing science and technology.

Why Attend?

Faneotrics 2019 Conference aims in gathering worldwide experts and eminent people to share and discuss their novel ideas and research work so that it would be beneficial for children suffering from various infections and disorders. The objective is to gather audience from everywhere throughout the world to present current research and to disseminate the new trends in the field of Pediatrics, Neonatology and Family medicine.

Conference Highlights
  •          Bio psychosocial Approach
  •          Neonatal Nursing
  •          Clinical Pediatrics
  •          Family Medicine and Nourishment
  •          Physical Assessment of Neonates
  •          Gastrointestinal and Urogenital Complications
  •          Hematology and Oncology
  •          Neurology and Psychology
  •          Cardiology and Cardiac Disorders
  •          Endocrinology Disorders
  •          Radiotherapy and Imaging
  •          Genetics in Pediatrics
  •          Obstetrics and Women health
  •          Premature Birth
  •          Pediatric Surgery and Disease Treatment
  •          Neonatal and Adolescent Medicine
  •          Food Allergies and Infections
  •          Vaccines and Immunization
  •          Primary Care Ethics

  •  Accepted abstracts will be published in Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery Journal of  Clinical Pediatrics Nutrition, Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Journal of  Nursing and Health Studies and provided with DOI
  • Global networking: In transferring and exchanging Ideas
  • A Unique Opportunity for Advertisers and Sponsors at this International event.
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